Saturday, August 23, 2008

Sutrea Beetle

This piece is new!  I completed this illustration with the Smithsonian Institute!  As soon as I update my website, this piece will be in my website.  Until then, it will live here. 

New York City

I have been invited to work in American Museum of Natural History from October to December of this year in New York City!  

The project I will be working on with Frank, the illustrator there, will be restoration of fossilized turtle skull specimen.  Neat!  

New York is the ultimate big city for me.  I thought Washington DC was a big city, but now I am familiar with the mall area by working at the Smithsonian Institution and working for the Orphan Works Opposition Headquarters.  I know that is a small section of the big town, but I feel confortable in DC now.  

Who knows what sort of adventure awaits!  Yaaaay!